Every RURAL student should Graduate high school on A Path to achieve career success And economic stability.
What We Do
rootEd places dedicated college and career advisors in rural high schools to work with all students to define and plan their futures, whether through a college degree, career training, or military service.

The Challenge We’re Addressing
Rural students are at a disadvantage when it comes to preparing for life after high school.
of jobs in the U.S.
will require education
beyond high school
by 2031
businesses in rural America
struggle to find
qualified workers
Rural students are the
least likely to enroll
in college, at only 55%
A third of U.S. high school students attend rural schools — yet only 7% of philanthropic giving in the country is going towards rural areas.
Our Impact
Our advisors make a demonstrable difference helping students plan for their lives after high school, and our approach serves as a model college and career advising program for high schools across the country.
increase in college enrollment at rooted
schools vs 6% decline in rural schools nationally
rooted students are 18% more likely
to pursue further education and career training compared to their non-rooted peers

For [my wife] Teresa and me, it’s all about helping the next generation to achieve their American Dream. Whether it’s going to college, joining the military, earning a credential, or going directly into the workforce, we want to make sure they have the tools to succeed, and rootEd Alliance helps us do just that.
— Missouri Governor Michael Parson